School Profile
Orangewood High School is the only continuation high school serving the students of the Redlands Unified School District. The area served includes several cities and a large unincorporated area. Approximately 150,000 people live within the school district boundaries for a total student population K-12 of 21,240. The average enrollment for OHS in 2018-19 was 246. According to CDE enrollment data for 2018-19 at CBEDS, OHS enrollment by ethnicity was as follows: African American 7%, American Indian <1%, Asian 1%, Filipino 1%, Hispanic 71%, Pacific Islander <1%, White 16%, Multiple Races 3%. 88% of OHS students qualify for free or reduced lunch, and approximately 7% of our students were classified as English Language Learners at CBEDS with 2 languages represented. Male students outnumber females almost 2 to 1.
The OHS staff includes 19 fully certificated teachers, one full-time administrator, two counselors, three paraprofessionals, two security officers, one part-time campus supervisor, one full-time and one part-time custodian, and three clerical office staff members. 14 of 19 certificated teachers hold advanced degrees or credentials with an average of service of 24. The student-teacher ratio is 15:1 and the student-counselor ratio is 150:1.
OHS offers a comprehensive master schedule of classes, enabling students to meet all A-G requirements and experience a variety of elective classes and extracurricular activities. Students have the opportunity to earn credits and complete course work to graduate with OHS or return to graduate with their home high school. Credit deficiency is the main criteria for enrollment at OHS. Orangewood students must meet the same graduation requirements as the students of the traditional high schools in our district. Orangewood offers a smaller environment with alternative instructional methods, flexible scheduling, opportunities for credit recovery and other resources to help students make up their credit deficiencies in order to graduate. In addition to the regular six period day, students can take a zero or seventh period, enroll in credit recovery, take independent study courses, and take traditional high school courses via Telepresence. OHS is AVID certified, now offering three sections of the AVID elective. Two Career Pathways are in place; Media Arts and Product Innovation and Design, and an additional Pathway in Hospitality will be available in the next year.
OHS offers Special Education services with one SAI Teacher and one SAI Paraprofessional. English Language Learners are supported through integrated ELD instructional strategies, a designated ELD class and a Language Support Paraprofessional. OHS is provided District LCAP funding to support services and programs at OHS such as PBIS, AVID, and Academic Case Carriers. OHS also receives CHED, SSP, Lottery, 10th Grade Counseling and Title 1 funding. Our full-time Career Center offers a wide array of education, support, and services to all students including the job search and finding employment, preparing for college entrance tests, and visiting and applying for college.
Orangewood High School has the support of many different community and business organizations in our area. Community organizations, service clubs, churches and private individuals provide support by way of scholarships, awards, mentoring, assemblies, direct donations and extracurricular opportunities.