We want you to know that the Redlands Unified School District has plans and has made preparations for major emergency situations. We believe that the reactions of people in emergencies depend largely upon their training. Drills are held regularly to make certain that students and staff fully understand emergency procedures.
The safety and welfare of students and staff is our primary concern. In the event of an emergency, it must be understood that children are as safe at school as they are at home. School buildings are designed with safety in mind and are inspected regularly for safety hazards.
Your cooperation is asked in any emergency:
- Please do not telephone the school; telephone lines will be needed for emergency communications.
- If possible, please walk to school to pick up your student; streets should be as open as possible for emergency vehicles.
- The school will retain your child until you or your designee is able to reach them for up to 72 hours. After 72 hours, any students still being held at the school will be transferred to the nearest Red Cross Relief Center. Be sure to keep your emergency release cards updated. Students will be released only to those specified by you on that document.
- Should you have any questions regarding the Orangewood High School Emergency Disaster plan, do not hesitate to contact the school.