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Attendance Policies and Procedures

Parents/Guardians: Please notify the Attendance Office to report the reason for the absence within 48 hours. (909) 307-5380

When calling please be prepared with:

  • Parent/Guardian’s name and phone number
  • Student’s first and last names (spell the last name please)
  • Student’s grade
  • Reason for the absence
  • Date of the absence

All absences must be called in by a parent/guardian every day of the student’s absence prior to 3:00 pm.

Notes from parents/guardians addressing absences are accepted; always include a phone number on all notes. Each note is evaluated for authenticity and parent contact will be made if needed. In the event a parent is not reached, the note is considered invalid until the call is returned and the note verified.


LEAVING CAMPUS DURING SCHOOL - A student who must leave campus for any reason must do one of the following:

PHONE CALL: Call the OHS office at 909-307-5380 stipulating the date, time the student must leave, and reason for the excuse. The student will then be called to the Attendance Office for an Off-Campus Pass. Once they have the pass, they can leave at the requested time.

SEND A NOTE - The student brings a note signed by a parent or legal guardian to the OHS Office stipulating the date, time the student must leave, and reason for the excuse. Parent/guardian must call to confirm that you are sending your student with a note for an early dismissal. Once the OHS Office has both the note and confirmation, an Off-Campus Pass will be issued and they can leave at the requested time.

For each full-day truancy episode (4 or more unexcused periods per day), the Assistant Principal may assign lunch detention or campus service and a parent meeting (SART). A student may be issued a citation by the Redlands Police Department if found loitering during class time without a pass or off-campus during school hours under (Redlands Municipal Code 9.24.040a-1). Students may be required to appear in Juvenile Traffic Court for sentencing, which could involve a fine, community service, or suspension of their driver’s licenses.

Repeat violations will result in one or more additional consequences, which may include:

  • Campus Beautification, and citation
  • Loss of privilege to attend and/or participate in school activities, including athletics and off site activities
  • Referral to School Attendance Review Team (SART)
  • Referral to School Attendance Review Board (SARB)

Students who are absent 1-2 days MUST check with individual teachers via phone call, e-mail, or teacher's website for specific make-up work. If a student is absent for three or more consecutive days, a parent/guardian may obtain homework from the Counseling Office by calling 307-5380. Please allow 24 hours for the work to be collected. Students whose absences have been marked as truant (as denoted by a “C” or “B” in their attendance record) will be granted make-up work at the teacher’s discretion. (RUSD AR 6154 Instruction: Homework/Makeup Work-Students who are absent from school due to truancies from class may be required to make up all work missed due to the absence. The teacher may allow full or partial credit for the work. Such a decision shall be at the discretion of the individual teacher.)